Pronte per il download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa” e derivate ufficiali.

Con la puntualità che lo caratterizza, Canonical ha pubblicato la nuova versione della sua distribuzione Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa“.

L’aggiornamento è disponibile non solo per la versione ufficiale ma anche per tutti le derivate ​​ufficiali.

Di conseguenza le versioni non LTS sono supportate per nove mesi e garantiscono tutte le novità più recenti.

Tuttavia le versioni LTS (long-term support) offrono invece aggiornamenti per cinque anni: l’ideale per chi ha bisogno di maggiore stabilità.

Tra le altre novitá di Ubuntu 20.04 LTS troviamo anche il supporto a WireGuard.

Pronte per il download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa” e derivate ufficiali.

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Lubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”

Lubuntu, a partire dalla versione 18.10, ha ufficialmente abbandonato LXDE in favore di LXQt.

The Lubuntu team has announced the availability of Lubuntu 20.04, a long-term support (LTS) release. This release used the LXQt desktop (most previous releases used LXDE as the default desktop) and uses the Calamares system installer instead of the Ubiquity installer used by most other official Ubuntu editions. You can find the following major applications and toolkits installed by default in this release: LXQt 0.14.1. Qt 5.12.8 LTS. Featherpad 0.12.1, for notes and code editing. Discover Software Center 5.18.4, for an easy, graphical way to install and update software. The powerful and fast email client Trojita 0.7 to get you to inbox zero in no time.” Further details can be found in the project’s release announcementDownloadlubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,668MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist

Leggi anche:  Rilasciata Ubuntu Kylin 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish" che porta la rinnovata UKUI 3.1

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”.

Il Desktop environment di riferimento per Ubuntu 20.04 è GNOME 3.36, novità che porta con sé un nuovo design per App folder, system menu e lock screen.

Iain Lane has announced the release of Ubuntu 20.04, a new long-term support (LTS) version of the popular distribution. “The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to the 5.4 based Linux kernel, with additional support for Wireguard VPN, AUFS5, and improved support for IBM, Intel, Raspberry Pi and AMD hardware. Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS features the latest version of the GNOME desktop environment, 3.36. The latest version brings performance enhancements and optional encryption support. Zsys, Ubuntu’s ZFS system tool, provides automated system and user state saving.” Further details can be found in the distribution’s release announcement and in the release notesDownload (pkglist): ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,589MB, SHA256signaturetorrent), ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso (908MB, SHA256signaturetorrent).

Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”.

Ubuntu Studio  20.04 Focal Fossa è disponibile in più di 40 lingue, tra cui anche l’italiano.

The Ubuntu Studio team has announced the release of Ubuntu Studio 20.04, a long-term support release which receives three years of security updates. “The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Studio 20.04, code-named “Focal Fossa”. This marks Ubuntu Studio’s 27th release. This release is a Long-Term Support release and as such, it is supported for 3 years (until April 2023). Since it’s just out, you may experience some issues, so you might want to wait a bit before upgrading. Please see the release notes for a complete list of changes and known issues.” The release announcement displays screenshots and offers upgrade instructions for existing users. It also lists new software available in this release, along with items which were removed from version 20.04, often due to Python 2 reaching the end of its supported life. Downloadubuntustudio-20.04-dvd-amd64.iso (3,424MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).

Kubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”.

Kubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa ci porta la versione di KDE Plasma 5.18 LTS come ambiente desktop

The Kubuntu team has announced the release of Kubuntu 20.04. New release features the KDE Plasma 5.18 desktop and offers three years of security updates. “The Kubuntu Team is happy to announce that Kubuntu 20.04 LTS has been released, featuring the beautiful KDE Plasma 5.18 LTS: simple by default, powerful when needed. Codenamed Focal Fossa, Kubuntu 20.04 continues our tradition of giving you Friendly Computing by integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. ” Further details can be found in the project’s release announcement and in the release notesDownloadkubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,244MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).

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Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”.

MATE Desktop 1.24 è presente su Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa.

Martin Wimpress has announced the release of Ubuntu MATE 20.04. The new release, which will receive three years of support, ships with version 1.24 of the MATE desktop and introduces a firmware update tool called fwupd. “Those of you who follow the desktop Linux news will know that upstream MATE Desktop recently released version 1.24. Ubuntu MATE 20.04 is shipping with MATE Desktop 1.24. Fixed panel layout switching which is now stable and reliable via MATE Tweak Tweak and Ubuntu MATE Welcome; rendering window controls fixed on HiDPI displays; fixed irregular icon sizes in MATE Control Center and made them render nicely on HiDPI displays.” Further details on the new version can be found in the release notesDownloadubuntu-mate-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,217MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).

Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”.

La versione cinese di Ubuntu Kylin  è la quarta versione di supporto a lungo termine (LTS) dopo 14.04, 16.04 e 18.04

Ubuntu Kylin 20.04, an official Ubuntu edition customised for the users in China, has been released. This release comes with an updated version of the UKUI desktop environment (a fork of MATE): “The Ubuntu Kylin team is pleased to announce the official release of Ubuntu Kylin’s open-source operating system, version 20.04 LTS (code-named ‘Focal Fossa’). Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 is the fourth long-term support (LTS) version and it offers 3 years of technical support. It also fixes 539 known issues, such as the inability of the taskbar to preview minimized apps and a file manager memory leak.” See the release announcements (in Simplified Chinese or in English) for further information and screenshots. Downloadubuntukylin-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,186MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).

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Xubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”.

Xubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa include una variante “Greybird-Dark”.

Yousuf Philips has announced the release of Xubuntu 20.04, the latest stable version from the project that develops an official Ubuntu spin with Xfce as the preferred desktop: “The Xubuntu team is happy to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 20.04. Xubuntu 20.04, code-named ‘Focal Fossa’, is a long-term support (LTS) release and will be supported for three years, until April 2023. Highlights: a brand-new dark theme, Greybird-dark, has been added, complementing the default Greybird theme; six community wallpapers are bundled from winners of the Community Wallpaper Contest; with the end of life of Python 2, we no longer ship it by default, while apt-offline and pidgin-libnotify are no longer included.” Read the rest of the release announcement for further information and known issues. Downloadxubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,586MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).

Ubuntu Budgie 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”.

Ancora una volta Ubuntu Budgie continua a prendere l’iniziativa per garantire che il desktop Budgie rimanga compatibile con l’ultimo stack GNOME.

To conclude the much-awaited Ubuntu LTS release day, here is David Mohammed’s announcement of the release of Ubuntu Budgie 20.04: “We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of our distribution, our second long-term support (LTS) release as an official flavor of the Ubuntu family. This LTS build is supported for three years while the regular releases are supported for 9 months. ” See the full release announcement for a complete list of new features. Downloadubuntu-budgie-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,084MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).

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Precedente Cose che dovresti sapere su Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal Fossa”, la nuova versione targata Canonical. Successivo A ottobre arriverà il gorilla, ecco Ubuntu 20.10 "Gorilla Groovy"

2 commenti su “Pronte per il download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa” e derivate ufficiali.

  1. Consigliamo quindi l’upgrade a tutti, sia a chi si trova su una precedente LTS (l’ultima è stata rilasciata due anni fa) sia a chi invece stava provando una versione “regular”.

    • ubuntulandia il said:

      Grazie dal tuo commento @Susana. E’ meglio sempre scaricare e installare de zero ogni versione. Gli aggiornamenti (updates) molte volte trovano dei problemi: velocità della rete, saturazione dei servers, ecc.

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