Rilasciata Ubuntu Budgie 22.10

via Distrowatch:

The Ubuntu Budgie team have announced the release of Ubuntu Budgie 22.10 which offers nine months of supports. The new version includes Linux 5.19, software from GNOME 43, and the PipeWire sound software. “The new release has many new core updates as well as a bleeding edge version of budgie itself: The kernel is v5.19. GNOME 43 stack with Mutter 11. Pipewire for everything audio related. This replaces PulseAudio. budgie-desktop is 10.6.4 plus a whole suite of extra capabilities pending the v10.7 release due in the next few months. An overhaul of our default applications shipped in our distro. We also inherit hundreds of stability, bug-fixes and optimizations made to the underlying Ubuntu repositories.” Additional information can be found in the distribution’s release announcement and in the release notes. Download: ubuntu-budgie-22.10-desktop-amd64.iso (2,923MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).

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