Rilasciata Xubuntu 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish” con pacchetti aggiornati e alcuni miglioramenti dell’interfaccia,

Le note di rilascio ci ricordano che questa è una versione LTS, ma sarà supportata per 3 anni (fino ad aprile 2025), e non 5 come la versione principale. Tra le novità, sono stati costretti a comunicare che Firefox è come un pacchetto snap, e non è più possibile installarlo dai repository ufficiali. È una mossa ordinata da Canonical, che è stata convinta da Mozilla (si presume), quindi non c’era scelta.


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Xubuntu 22.04, the latest version of the Ubuntu’s popular subproject which features the Xfce desktop, has been released: “The Xubuntu team is happy to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 22.04. Xubuntu 22.04, code-named ‘Jammy Jellyfish’, is a long-term support (LTS) release and will be supported for three years, until 2025. The Xubuntu and Xfce development teams have made great strides in usability, expanded features and additional applications in the last two years. Users coming from 20.04 will be delighted with improvements found in Xfce 4.16 and our expanded application set. 21.10 users will appreciate the added stability that comes from the numerous maintenance releases that landed this cycle. Highlights: Mousepad 0.5.8, our text editor, broadens its feature set with the addition of session backup and restore, plugin support and a new gspell plugin; Ristretto 0.12.2, the versatile image viewer, improves thumbnail support and features numerous performance improvements; Whisker Menu Plugin 2.7.1 expands customization options with several new preferences and CSS classes for theme developers….” See the release announcement and the release notes for more information and known issues. Download: xubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,576MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).

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Precedente Rilasciata Lubuntu 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish" con Linux 5.15 e Firefox come snap. Successivo Rilasciata Ubuntu Kylin 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish" che porta la rinnovata UKUI 3.1

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